Sweater weather is my favorite! There is something so comforting about wrapping your torso in a soft, warm sweater; unfortunately, Austin has a less amount of sweater weather than West Texas which makes me jump at every chance that it’s under 70 degrees and I can wear a sweater. This holiday season, after visiting a few thrift stores and unsuccessfully finding a cute Christmas sweater, I decided to make my own.
All you need is:
- A cozy sweater (I bought mine at Uptown Cheapskate)
- A few mini pipe cleaner Christmas trees
- [Optional] Paint and paint brushes to paint mini Christmas trees
- Hot glue gun
- Safety pins
The first step is to paint the mini Christmas Trees, I found mine at Micheals. I bought primary colored paint and mixed it with white paint to create the pastel colors. If you happen to find pastel Christmas trees, you can completely skip the next steps and skip forward to gluing the tiny trees.
After painting the mini trees and letting them dry for a few minutes the next step is to use the hot glue gun to glue them on to the back of safety pins and safety pin them to a cozy and thick sweater.
and that’s it. This DIY Christmas sweater is a super cute alternative to wearing an ugly Christmas Sweater to all of the holiday parties and you can continue wearing your sweater all winter long by removing the mini trees. Happy Holidays!
This DIY was inspired by a very similar DIY shared on Laurenconrad.com
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